Saturday, June 4, 2011

Blog Grand Opening!

That’s right, folks. I, Alex Whitfield, finally have a blog. No longer am I contained to expressing myself to 140 characters at a time. Now that I have all this space, I can say exactly what’s on my mind!

So, check back each Saturday for a new blog post. That’s quality content on a strict schedule. I know; I can’t believe it either.

Better yet, check back each Sunday. I mean, a new blog post will be written each Saturday, but it might be up really early in the morning, it might be up really late at night, and I don’t want you to stay awake late Saturday night, mashing F5 to see what I wrote. It’s OK. Sure, I am the Bee’s Knees, but goodness knows I’m most certainly not the Cat’s Meow! So have some fun. Maybe go to a party. Or read a book if you really want to be able to tell everyone waiting in line at the midnight opening for the last Harry Potter film “You really should read the book. Film just can’t do the story justice”. (And if you go that route, a little piece of advice: wands cannot really cast spells, but they can really stab you.)

Potential future blog post topics include
  • Video Games
  • Balloon Animals
  • Movies
  • Animation
  • My lack of a love life
  • My lack of a life
  • My Dungeons and Dragons character’s lack of a life
  • More Video Games
  • Etc.
Once again: Each Saturday, I will write something on my blog. So do visit. Please. I’ll learn to write better, and with enough practice, I might just even write good well. Honest!

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